Did you know that your blind spot may be preventing you from achieving truly satisfying success?
Your blind spot moves in front of your sweet spot and prevents you from succeeding.
If you find yourself sabotaging your ability to succeed, you may want to learn how to turn your blind spot into your sweet spot!
You can find out more about how to do this at www.elegant-success.com
medicine, your blind spot is the place in the visual field which corresponds to
the lack of light-detecting photoreceptor cells on the optic disc of the retina
in your eyes. The brain interpolates the missing input-data which should be
received in the area of your blind spot based on data gained
from the surroundings, as well as information from the other eye, so that we
are usually not aware of the blind spot’s existence.
But most of us have a blind spot at the core of our being which affects our business and our private life in a much more serious manner. Our past experiences have shaped and cemented our beliefs,
assumptions, and expectations of how the world works to such an extent, that we
have literally become blind to what is really going on in and around us.
interpolate, making assumptions about what is going on around us, based on
factors we are no longer conscious of, driven by forces at work in our blind spot which
are no longer under our control.
In fact,
these subconscious factors control us.
they may protect us from harm.
And, come to
think of it, most of these subconscious programs were probably originally
created to help, support and protect us!
But they may
also prevent us from making the necessary changes happen today.
More often
than not, they will sabotage our ability to make effective decisions to change
our life and our business for the better. I see these forces in the blind spot
at work virtually every time I coach corporate clients, executives and business
owners, although they are usually not consciously aware of what is going on
under the surface. Having said that, most of my clients state that they sense a
need to address these subconscious forces, which often prevent true success
from happening.
So, what size is your personal blind spot?
probably have no clue.
Most people
In my
coaching work with executives and business owners, I frequently find that this
blind spot is quite large and powerful. Sometimes it can become so strong, that
it may overshadow all of your positive achievements.
In these moments of self-sabotage your moon
may eclipse your sun.
Your blind spot moves in front of your sweet spot and prevents you from succeeding.
If you find yourself sabotaging your ability to succeed, you may want to learn how to turn your blind spot into your sweet spot!
You can find out more about how to do this at www.elegant-success.com