ZEN - The Zone of Essential Negotiation



The ZEN of negotiation doesn’t try to blast its way through potential roadblocks by taking massive action, risking huge collateral damage in the process of forcing success and the desired breakthrough to happen.

Instead, it gently moves the superficial noise, the drama and distractions out of the way, focusing calmly on the essence of what is really going on below the surface.

It shifts the focus away from the irritating symptoms towards a precise understanding and treatment of the root cause.

ZEN invites us to gain a deep, honest understanding of who we really are, what we truly want – and why.

Our motives are often caused by a sense of lack resulting from the frustrating gap between where we are and where we wish to be.

ZEN teaches us to fully engage with this cognitive dissonance and the explosive energy inherent in the conflicts we encounter during our negotiations, elegantly redirecting their course towards the creation of a surprisingly successful outcome, in the best and highest interest of all parties involved.